Position, orientation and frame tasks#

PositionTask and OrientationTask can be respectively use to control the position and orientation of a particular frame on the robot. The FrameTask is a combination of both, wrapping the two tasks in a single one.

Position task#

Position tasks can be initialized and updated this way:

# Creating a position task, arguments are the frame name and goal (world) position
effector_position = solver.add_position_task("effector", np.array([0., 0., 0.]))
effector_position.configure("effector_position", "soft", 1.0)

# Updating the effector target in the world
effector_position.target_world = np.array([0.1, -0.5, 0.])

Orientation task#

Orientation tasks can be initialized and updated this way:

# Creating an orientation task, argumanets are the frame name and goal (world) orientation (rotation matrix)
effector_orientation = solver.add_orientation_task("effector", np.eye(3))
effector_orientation.configure("effector_orientation", "soft", 1.0)

# Updating the effector orientation in the world
effector_orientation.R_world_frame = np.eye(3)

Frame task#


Frame task are lumping together a position and an orientation task, and can be initialized this way:

# Creating a frame task, arguments are the frame name and goal (world) pose (transformation matrix)
effector_frame = solver.add_frame_task("effector", np.eye(4))
# Configuring the frame task, the two weights are for the position and orientation tasks respectively
effector_frame.configure("effector_frame", "soft", 1.0, 1.0)

The underlying position and orientation tasks can be accessed with the position() and orientation() methods:

effector_frame.position() # Access the position task
effector_frame.orientation() # Access the orientation task


You can update the frame task by setting the target pose:

# Updating the effector target in the world (transformation matrix)
effector_frame.T_world_frame = np.eye(4)

Relative position and orientation tasks#

The above mentionned tasks also exists in a relative version, where two frames have to be specified.

# Relative position
camera_task = solver.add_relative_position_task("trunk", "camera", np.array([0., 0., 0.5]))
# Setting the target (here, for the camera position in the trunk)
camera_task.target = np.array([0., 0., 0.4])
# Relative orientation
camera_task = solver.add_relative_orientation_task("trunk", "camera", np.eye(3))
# Setting the target (here, for the camera to trunk rotation)
camera_task.R_a_b = np.eye(3)
# Relative frame
camera_task = solver.add_relative_frame_task("trunk", "camera", np.eye(4))
# Setting the target (here, for the camera to trunk transformation)
camera_task.T_a_b = np.eye(4)

Masking axises#

In some case, you only want to assign a task for one or two axises. To that end, you can use the axises mask for position and orientation tasks:

# The position task will only affect the z-axis (x and y will be ignored)

By default, this masking will occur in the “task” frame (the world frame for absolute tasks, and the first frame for relative tasks). Youc can set the second argument of set_axises() to "local" to enforce the masking to happen in the local frame.

Alternatively, you can also specify "custom" as the second argument, and provide a custom rotation matrix to specify the axises in which the task will be applied in the R_local_world attribute of the mask.


Here is an example of a 6-axis robot following a target trajectory, expressed as a FrameTask: