Tasks and constraints#

This page is walking through the kinematics solver main concepts. Feel free to skip the maths if you are not interested in the details.


As you saw in the introduction example, a task defines something that the robot should do, like “reaching a given target with the effector”. The objective of the task is internally defined as a task error that the solver tries to take to zero.

PlaCo’s kinematics solver is solving for \(\Delta q\), a variation of the robot’s configuration, according to your tasks.

Tasks have a priority, and optionally a weight to define the way they are taken into account by the solver.




Task that must be satisfied by the solver (error should be brought to zero). If it is not possible, the solver will fail.


Task that can be violated by the solver, but it will try to minimize the error. The relative importance of soft tasks is defined by their weight.


That that must be satisfied by the solver, with a scaling factor that should be as close as possible to 1. This scaling factor is itself optimized by the solver, and available in solver.scale. All the scaled tasks will “scale together”, so that the direction of the task is somehow preserved. If it is not possible, the solver will fail.

Note that the weight parameter only affects soft tasks, and has no effect on hard or scaled tasks.

Math details

A task being an error function of the robot configuration, we can denote it \(e(q)\). We then search for \(e(q + \Delta q) = 0\). Since the geometry is highly non-linear, the solver will use first order approximation \(e(q+\Delta q) \approx e(q) + J(q) \Delta q\), where \(J(q)\) is the Jacobian of the task.

  • For a task with hard priority level, the equality constraint \(J(q) \Delta q = -e(q)\) is enforced.

  • For a task with soft priority level, the quantity \(w \lVert J(q) \Delta q + e(q) \rVert^2\), where \(w\) is the task weight, is added to the solver’s objective function.

  • For a task with scaled priority level, the equality constraint \(J(q) \Delta q = -\lambda e(q)\) is enforced, with \(\lambda\) being the scaling factor, itself optimized by the solver, enforcing \(0 \leq \lambda \leq 1\), and adding \(\lVert \lambda - 1 \rVert^2\) to the objective function to encourage the scaling factor to be close to 1.


Constraints are specific limits that you want your robot to respect. While joint limits and velocity constraints are implemented in the solver itself, other specific constraints can be added to the solver.

Those can be prioritized and weighted in the exact same way as tasks, as explained above.

Math details

Constraints are added to the solver as a set of inequalities \(C(q) \leq 0\).

Removing tasks and constraints#

Tasks and constraints can be removed from the solver by using remove_task and remove_constraint:

# Removing a task

# Removing a constraint