Installation from source#

PlaCo is mostly written in C++, relying on Boost Python to expose the C++ code to Python. If you want to get the sources yourself, you will first have to retrieve the dependencies and then to build the library.

System dependencies#

sudo apt-get install python3-dev libpython3-dev libboost-python-dev \
         doxygen libjsoncpp-dev

Pinocchio dependencies#

First, follow this procedure to add the apt repositories for Pinocchio.

You can then install the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install robotpkg-hpp-fcl robotpkg-eiquadprog \
        robotpkg-pinocchio robotpkg-py310-pinocchio


Change robotpkg-py310-pinocchio according to your own Python version.

Cloning and building#

You can now clone PlaCo:

git clone

And build it using CMake:

cd placo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j 8

Using built Pythin bindings#

You can now add the build/lib/python3/dist-packages directory to your PYTHONPATH to use PlaCo.